Don't blame it (all) on the pause: further ERP evidence for a prosody-induced garden-path in running speech
This paper investigates the prosodic relevance of a pause which, along with other prosodic parameters, served to indicate an Intonational Phrase (IPh) boundary. Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded while subjects listened to both intact and altered German Early and Late Closure (EC/LC) sentences. The EC sentences were prosodically highly accepted and well comprehended even when the original pause at the boundary position was removed. Furthermore, a reversed garden-path (initial EC preference in LC sentences) was successfully induced by a false IPh boundary irrespective of whether the pause was present or not. The ERP patterns disclosed the on-line processing of simple and garden-path sentences in more detail. The data clearly demonstrate that in the presence of other prosodic parameters pause insertion is a completely dispensable cue for boundary marking. The ERP technique proved to be superior to behavioral on-line measures as data collection does not interrupt speech presentation. 1. The Separation of Prosodic Parameters Speech, in contrast to written text, provides prosodic cues in order to express both linguistic (e.g. syntactic) and nonlinguistic (e.g. affective) information. However, in order to realize a certain prosodic effect (e.g. accentuation, prosodic phrasing, etc.), speakers can use a variety of prosodic parameters such as pause insertion, constituent lengthening, and pitch or loudness variations (Cutler, Dahan & van Donselaar, 1997; see also Alter, Steinhauer & Friederici, this issue). The hearer, on the other hand, has to decode and to integrate these different parameters. A central question among the 'HOWs' of prosodic language processing thus concerns the relative contribution of each single parameter. A related issue deals with the rules according to which the parameters can or must be combined in order to achieve a certain effect. A crucial prerequisite for addressing these questions empirically is the separation and systematic variation of single parameters. This is a non-trivial task as the different parameters are usually not completely independent of each other. A relatively independent prosodic parameter is the duration of pauses. Of course, pauses cannot be simply inserted at any position as this would destroy the internal structure of intonational units and/or disrupt coarticulation. However, wherever a pause was originally produced by a speaker, its duration can in principle be manipulated without affecting other parameters. Such manipulations were successfully carried out in the materials of the present study in order to examine the relative contribution of a pause to the prosodic realization of IPh boundaries. 2. When Prosody meets Syntax The pauses referred to had been observed in the Early Closure condition of a previous auditory study investigating the prosodic processing of German Late and Early Closure (LC/EC) ambiguities as illustrated in (A) and (B) and described in detail below. In (A), the second verb 'arbeiten'/'to work' is intransitive and NP2 'Anna' is the indirect object of the preceding verb_1'verspricht'/'promises' (LC). In (B), by contrast, 'Anna' is demanded as direct object by the subsequent transitive verb_2 'entlasten'/'to support' (EC). Note that both conditions are structurally ambiguous up to the verb_2 which is intransitive in (A) and transitive in (B). Late Closure ('Anna' as indirect object of verb_1): (A) [IPh1 Peter verspricht Anna zu arbeiten] Peter promises Anna to work [IPh2 und das Büro zu putzen.] and to clean the office Early Closure ('Anna' as direct object of verb2): (B) [IPh1 Peter verspricht #] [IPh2 Anna zu entlasten] Peter promises # to support Anna [IPh3 und das Büro zu putzen.] and to clean the office Comprehensive acoustic analyses of each of the 48 LC/EC sentence pairs had disclosed that the speaker had expressed the structural differences between (A) and (B) by very early prosodic differences in the speech signals. Similar to findings reported by Warren, Grabe and Nolan (1995) for English EC/LC ambiguities, these prosodic differences occurred before the sentences were structurally disambiguated by the argument structure of verb_2. As a consequence, the garden-path effect in EC sentences predicted by the Late Closure Principle proposed by Frazier (e.g. Frazier & Rayner, 1982) was found only for visual presentation in a reading task. When presented auditorily, however, the early availability of disambiguating prosodic information secured the immediate appropriate analysis in both the LC and the EC condition and thus prevented the listeners from the garden-path. The pause insertion under consideration (marked by a '#' in example (B)) was one of the most salient prosodic differences between the two conditions. They were obviously produced by the speaker in order to mark the additional IPh boundary between the first verb 'verspricht' and NP2 'Anna' in EC sentences. This pattern is in complete agreement with the predictions of certain theories of syntax-prosody-mapping (Reyelt et al., 1996). In other words, the early syntactic closure (EC) was prosodically realized by the early closure of the first Intonational Phrase. For the hearer, the detectability of this additional IPh boundary served as a highly important criterion for parsing decisions. That is, its presence determined an initial EC analysis instead of the otherwise preferred LC analysis. The dominance of prosodic information in guiding initial parsing decisions was most convincingly demonstrated when we introduced the additional IPh boundary of (B) via cross-splicing into the LC condition (A): Although the resulting condition (C) consisted of the same lexical elements as the normally easy-to-process condition (A), the conflict between the early IPh boundary (signaling EC) and the demands of the intransitive verb (requiring LC) induced a very severe garden-path (Steinhauer, Alter & Friederici, 1998). False Early Closure (intransitive verb2 cannot take an object): (C) * [IPh1 Peter verspricht #] [IPh2 Anna zu arbeiten] * Peter promises # to work Anna [IPh3 und das Büro zu putzen.] and to clean the office Interestingly, this prosody-induced garden-path was the reverse version of usual LC/EC garden-paths as it required an initial EC analysis to be revized towards an LC interpretation, and not vice versa. Such sentences were initially perceived as 'Peter promises to work Anna ...' which is certainly not grammatical. The online effects of both the prosodic phrasing and the garden-path effect (including structural reanalyses) were clearly reflected by event-related brain potentials (ERPs). 3. The Brain at Work: Event-related Potentials and Language Processing Most psycholinguistic research is based on behavioral studies measuring error rates and reaction times. However, due to its implicit on-line characteristics and its high time resolution the employment of ERP measures has joined the list of on-line methods as an additional approach to study language processing. ERPs are a transient change of voltage, reflecting a systematic brain activity which is triggered by a physical event. If this event is a word presented either in a semantically appropriate context or in an inappropriate context (e.g. 'He spread the warm bread with socks'), the ERP differences between the two conditions reflect the brain's activity while processing a semantic violation. This experiment was conducted by Kutas and Hillyard (1980) who found a negative brain potential around 400 ms after onset of the anomalous word, the N400 component. The N400 has been replicated in hundreds of studies and reflects difficulties in lexical/semantic integration. The costs of processing syntactic difficulties, on the other hand, generally elicit a late positivity around 600 ms (P600) rather than an N400 (e.g. Osterhout & Holcomb, 1992). Thus, in contrast to response times, ERP patterns can more easily distinguish between different levels of linguistic processing. The verb argument structure violations in the reverse gardenpath condition (C) imply both an initial problem of lexical integration and additional syntactic cost while reanalyzing the structure from EC to LC. As predicted, the incompatible verb_2 of condition (C) elicited an N400 followed by a P600. As in comparable auditory studies presenting natural speech, both ERP compononts had a later peak latency as compared to visual studies such as those cited above. A completely new finding of our previous study was that IPh boundaries were also reflected in the ERPs by a positive going waveform that we refer to as Closure Positive Shift (CPS) (Steinhauer et al., 1998). 4. The Present Study After the previous studies described above had proved that prosody drove the parsing decisions we could prepare to examine the relative contribution of single prosodic parameters. The most salient prosodic differences between the speech signals in (A) and (B) were as follows: • First, the initial sentence segment (i.e. 'Peter verspricht') was considerably lengthened in (B). • Second, a pause of some 150 ms was inserted only in (B) at the additional IPh boundary (i.e. before 'Anna' as marked by a ‘#’). • Third, whereas the main accent in (A) was aligned to the second verb 'arbeiten', it occurred on the NP'Anna' in (B). The respective accent positions were realized by both pitch and loudness peaks. As outlined above, the most independent one of these parameters was the pause duration. The present study therefore focuses on potential parsing differences due to the presence as opposed to the absence of this pause. To this aim, we manipulated the speech signals of the former conditions (B) and (C) in that we removed the pause between the first verb (e.g. ‘verspricht’/’promises’) and the second NP (e.g. ‘Anna’). The pause removal was performed with particular care in order not to alter the signals of adjacent words. For example, as stop consonants such as /p/ are characterized by a preceding silent phase of some 50 ms, the corresponding part of the pause was preserved whenever the NP2 began with a stop consonant. The two resulting conditions derived from (B) and (C) will hereafter be referred to as (B") and (C"), respectively. The study comprised 4 experimental conditions, namely (A), (B), (B"), and (C") with 48 sentences each. Note that (C") consisted of the same lexical elements as (A) including the intransitive verb requiring LC; and (B") consisted of the same elements as (B) with the transitive verb requiring EC. In contrast to (A), the initial fragments in conditions (B), (B"), and (C") were all derived from the EC condition and thus contained the same pitch and loudness patterns. However, only the original condition (B) still contained a pause preceding NP2 (e.g. 'Anna'), whereas (A), (B") and (C") did not. The relevant parts of the respective 4 conditions are enumerated below, where italics indicate the origin from the LC condition (A) and bold characters indicate the origin from EC condition (B). The '#' again signals the presence of a pause, and SMALL CAPITALS indicate the word carrying the respective main accent. (A) Peter verspricht Anna zu ARBEITEN (B) Peter verspricht # ANNA zu entlasten (B") Peter verspricht ANNA zu entlasten (C") Peter verspricht ANNA zu arbeiten The general rationale of this design is as follows. The detectablity of the additional IPh boundary between 'verspricht' and 'Anna' is held responsable for the change from initial LC to initial EC parsing. If the pause insertion as such contributes considerably to the boundary marking, then its absence should reduce this change. That is, (B") should be more difficult to parse than (B) as it relies on the detection of the boundary. And (C") should induce a less severe garden-path than the former (C) condition as its intransitive verb_2 'arbeiten' requires a final LC analysis. 4.1. Materials and Methods Subjects. 16 students participated in the experiment. All subjects were right-handed German native speakers with no neurological disorders. They were not informed in advance about the aims of the study. None of them had experience with related studies. Materials. The 4 × 48 experimental sentences were pseudorandomly intermixed with 144 filler sentences (produced by the same female native speaker of Standard German) and distributed across 8 experimental blocks. The blocks were presented in two sessions with 4 blocks each. For 20 % of the sentences, comprehension questions were produced by a male speaker. Procedure. After electrode application (see below) participants were seated in a sound-proof and electro-magnetically shielded dimly lit chamber. They sat 80 cm away from a 17" monitor and two loudspeakers. After performing in a practice block of 10 trials they were presented with the four experimental blocks which were separated by pauses. Each trial began with a fixation cross in the center of the monitor in order to minimize eye movements which can cause artifacts in the EEG. After 2000 ms, the sentence was presented auditorily, while the cross remained on the screen. Subjects were instructed to listen carefully to the sentences. Immediately after sentence presentation, the question 'correct?' was presented visually on the screen and the participants had to judge the prosodic acceptability of the sentence by pressing a YES or a NO button. In 20 % of the trials, an additional comprehension question was presented auditorily and had to be answered as accurately and fast as possible. Thereafter, an exclamation mark on the screen indicated a 2000 ms interval in which subjects were encouraged to blink their eyes. This instruction reduced eye blink artifacts during sentence presentation. Trial presentation and performance data collection was controlled by an IBM compatible Pentium PC using ERTS software. EEG recording. The EEG was recorded from 17 cap-mounted tin electrodes with a sampling rate of 250 Hz/12 bits and amplified by a Neuroscan DC amplifier with 40 Hz low-pass filter. The left mastoid electrode served as the reference. ERP analyses. ERPs for each participant, condition, and electrode were computed for epochs time-locked either to the sentence onset or to the onset of the critical verb_2 with preceding baseline intervals of 200 ms. Trials containing eye blink or movement artifacts were rejected. Averages were first computed for each single subject. These averages then entered the grand averages. ERP components were quantified as amplitude means of specified time windows. (For details see the Results section.) Statistical analyses for both behavioral and ERP data were performed by ANOVAs. Where appropriate, Huyhn & Feldt dF-corrections and a modified Bonferroni pvalue correction to protect agains progressive Type-I errors were applied. All effects were significant with p<.05 or better.
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